About the Grant Opportunity
The Prebys Foundation aims to identify or expand promising efforts to address mental and behavioral health challenges to improve social, emotional wellbeing; and to find or expand effective treatments to prevent or reduce anxiety, depression, or substance abuse.
To address this challenge, Prebys has announced a $10 million two-year grant. One-year grants will cover funding ranging from $50,000-$150,000; multi-year grants will cover funding ranging from $100,000-$250,000 annually for two years.

Why it Matters
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, mental health challenges were already the leading cause of disability and poor life outcomes in young people across the United States and in San Diego. The pandemic exacerbated these challenges, leading to an even greater increase in youth behavioral health issues. In San Diego, as in many cities across the country, there is a significant need for a more coordinated, youth-centered, and equitable system that will better serve young people’s mental health needs and put them on a path to success.